Hola amigos! He escrito “El viaje de Odei” pero necesito vuestro apoyo para poder publicarlo y distribuirlo mediante esta campaña de crowfunding. Desde 18 euros os llevaréis el libro con vuestro nombre en una de las páginas de cortesía!
Kaixo lagunok!
"El viaje de Odei" liburua idatzi dut baino argitaratzeko eta banatzeko zuen laguntza behar dut crowfunding kanpaina honen bidez. 18 eurotatik, liburua eraman dezakezu eta zuen izena aurreko orrietan agertuko da.
Dear friends. I have written and designed “El viaje de Odei” (The Journey of Odei) but I need your support to be able to publish and distribute it by this crowfunding campaign. Starting by 18 € you will get the book with your name on one of the courtesy pages!
Dear friends. I have written and designed “El viaje de Odei” (The Journey of Odei) but I need your support to be able to publish and distribute it by this crowfunding campaign. Starting by 18 € you will get the book with your name on one of the courtesy pages!
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